Sophisticated and yet easy to use Countdown Timer is available for download on your Desktop or Laptop running Windows Computer here. Download and try out this useful countdown timer on your windows computer now. In case you would like to know more about the download and setup options, please do navigate to the Countdown Timer Software Download page.
Have a look at given below features of this Countdown Timer Software utility. You can also navigate to the links mentioned below to find out more about a specific feature of the Countdown Timer. This software application can be used on Desktop or Laptop computers running Windows. Most of the features of this software will work on all versions of Windows such as Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP and other windows versions. Please do drop us a line in case you feel that any specific feature needs tweaking or you wish to get another feature added into the offered Countdown Timer & we will try our best to add or modify the feature.
Given below sample usages of Countdown Timer can give you an idea of how you can configure and display the Countdown Timer on your Desktop. The Images displayed below have been captured on a Windows 7 computer and depending on your Windows Version, the Countdown Timer may look a little different on your Computer. In case you would like to know more about any of the images / screenshots below, just move your mouse cursor onto the image and a tooltip will appear automatically with more information about that image of the Countdown Timer. You can also find quick questions and answers in our Frequently Asked Questions page. Have a look at few given below samples or visit Screenshots of Countdown Timer page to view many more screenshots.
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